I am clearly misunderstanding something very important about this meta. I thought the thing keeping the Azmari decks (which I have reps with and love) in check was that they are somewhat unfavored in Shaper-heavy metas, but clearly this has shifted.
People were dropping Stoneships and pinholes from their decklists because the Azmari lists *seemed* unpopular in the previous few weeks. Many of the shapers were also on kit and lat as opposed to WT ari, which could grab the tech cards on demand.
I am clearly misunderstanding something very important about this meta. I thought the thing keeping the Azmari decks (which I have reps with and love) in check was that they are somewhat unfavored in Shaper-heavy metas, but clearly this has shifted.
People were dropping Stoneships and pinholes from their decklists because the Azmari lists *seemed* unpopular in the previous few weeks. Many of the shapers were also on kit and lat as opposed to WT ari, which could grab the tech cards on demand.
Aren't Canadians supposed to be polite?