NANPC Boston North American Players Circuit Norton, MA, USA 40 Players 8 rounds SSS, cut to Top-8
Watch the Swiss and Top Cut streams on Neon Static. Find the Top Cut decklists here.
Highlight: Whiteblade (Zahya) vs Santa (Thule)
… and definitely don’t cut Hannah.
NANPC Boston was one of the first major tournaments to implement the 24.05 banlist, and is a useful indicator of what to expect in the upcoming continentals season. Although, the results were quite different from Fly to EMEA #3.
In vindication of the SBT decision to ban Tributary, Criminal attendance (almost) matched Anarch. In fact, faction diversity across both Runner and Corp was pleasantly balanced. The notable exception being NBN, which, still recovering from the loss of Bellona, only made up 10% of the corp field.
If you think this means that the days of asset spam are behind us, well, maybe don’t pack away your asset tech into the binder just yet! The new home of asset spam is HB. Muntal Bost did exceptionally well with two new variations of Barf Thule, both hiding False Lead in a haystack of remotes, and using it to create impossible situations for the runner.
Taking advantage of the dip in Clot and HQ disruption that’s been a direct result of the (effective) Mulch ban, Snare Bears represented a classic audacity Sportsmetal fast-advance list (without any cards from Rw/oR) that secured 3 spots in the Top Cut. Aruzan did similarly well with a Moon Pool Azmari list that used King Making to fast-advance 3 points at a time, while increasing the strength of Piranhas to beyond Turbine + Buzzsaw range with Rime.
On the Runner side, Arissana made an impressive showing, with a conversion rate of 33% and a Swiss win rate of 75%. No World Tree in the Top Cut, but lots of Muse and Entangler. Despite being the most popular Criminal ID of the tournament, Sable underperformed, and Top Cut spots went to (reg) Zahya and Ken instead. Apart from a single Esa, Anarch players all opted to play Hoshiko (with mixed results). Rongydoge modified Ashnikko to use Stargate instead of Twinning, which improved his Sportsmetal and Thule matchups. AnalyzeChris ditched DJ Fenris and threw in a Legwork. At their core, though, all of the Hoshiko in the cut were on the regular Bankhar + Turbine + Maw value engine that Corp players have come to know (and respect).
Runner win rate, overall, was 55%, which will be a reassuringly low number for those of us concerned about playing Corp at continentals. It’s interesting to see the first tournament of the weekend dominated by glacier, and then this tournament featuring decks with close to zero ICE. This extreme difference in strategies pulling the Runner in opposite directions might prove too much of a stretch for some lists, but reg Hoshiko is looking as stable as ever.
Share your thoughts in the comments.
Final Standings
Whiteblade (Snare Bears) - Sportsmetal [5-2-0] / Zahya [7-1-0]
Santa (Muntal Bost) - Thule [5-1-1] / Hoshiko [3-2-1]
AnalyzeChris (Snare Bears) - Sportsmetal [3-1-1] / Hoshiko [5-2-0]
Aruzan - Azmari [2-3-1] / Arissana [4-1-0]
Rongydoge (Snare Bears) - Sportsmetal [4-2-0] / Hoshiko [3-2-0]
Wentagon (Muntal Bost) - Thule [4-2-0] / Arissana [4-2-0]
Erika - RH [2-2-1] / Hoshiko [3-1-1]
Nykride - Ob [3-1-1] / Ken [2-2-1]
I'm not sure if the format allows for this, but I strongly believe Santa is 'also' Snare Bears associated, while still being in Muntal Bost.